Experienced Onewheel Accident Attorneys in Richmond, Virginia

At Wind Law, our Richmond personal injury lawyers know that Onewheels have become exceedingly popular in Virginia and across the U.S. over the past few years. They are known for their versatility, portability, and unique riding experience compared to traditional skateboards or electric scooters.

Onewheels are self-balancing electric skateboards with a single, large wheel in the center. They are designed to be ridden similarly to a snowboard or a surfboard, with the rider standing on the board and using body weight to control speed and direction.

The Onewheel is powered by an electric motor and controlled by sophisticated sensors that detect the rider’s movements. Leaning forward accelerates the board while leaning back slows it down or stops it. The board’s unique design makes it popular among commuters, outdoor enthusiasts, and tech-savvy riders.

Unfortunately, riders have also learned throughout the past several years that the ride isn’t as seamless as they envisioned. Onewheels are fraught with danger due to several factors.

Riders risk severe injuries from the inherent challenges of balancing on a single wheel and negligent motorists who may not see or respect these devices on the road. Additionally, Onewheels have faced an incredible number of recalls due to defects, ranging from sudden stops to battery malfunctions, which can lead to unexpected accidents.

If you or someone you loved has been injured or tragically lost their life on a Onewheel because of third-party negligence, contact our skilled personal injury lawyers in Richmond today to discuss your legal rights and options to hold the liable party accountable during a free consultation.

Oneheel Accidents Law in Richmond, VA

Federal Regulators Announced a Recall of Popular Onewheel Products

According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, Onewheels can suddenly stop balancing their riders if the operational limits are exceeded, creating a high risk of severe crashes.

Because of these risk factors and many others, federal regulators announced a recall of all Onewheel self-balancing electric skateboards after reports of at least four fatalities and numerous injuries over recent years.

The recall affects 300,000 skateboards produced by California-based company Future Motion.

Future Motion has received multiple reports of incidents involving their skateboards, including numerous fatalities, as well as catastrophic injuries such as paralysis, traumatic brain injuries, fractures, and ligament damage.

The commission advises all owners of the affected Onewheel models sold online and by independent retailers from January 2014 to September 2023 to cease use immediately, including:

  • Onewheel
  • Onewheel+
  • Onewheel+ XR
  • Onewheel Pint
  • Onewheel Pint X
  • Onewheel GT

If you or someone you love has been injured or killed while operating a defective Onewheel, contact our skilled defective product injury attorneys in Richmond today to discuss your claim during a completely free consultation.

Have You Been Injured in a Onewheel Accident Caused by Negligence in Richmond, Virginia?

In addition to defective product injuries, the inherent design of Onewheels, with their single large wheel and self-balancing mechanism, makes them more prone to accidents caused by negligence. They require precise balance and control, which external factors can easily disrupt. Additionally, their unique design can make them less visible to others, further contributing to the dangers they face on roads and sidewalks.

Onewheel riders can be hurt or killed by others’ negligence in several ways, including:

  • Collisions with Motor Vehicles: Drivers failing to notice Onewheel riders, especially at intersections, driveways, or while making turns, can result in severe collisions. Distracted, impaired, or speeding drivers are particularly dangerous.
  • Failure to Yield: Motorists who do not yield the right of way to Onewheel riders, whether at crosswalks, bike lanes, or shared roads, can cause accidents that lead to severe injuries.
  • Unsafe Passing: Drivers who pass Onewheel riders too closely or at high speeds can cause the rider to lose control, crash, or be sideswiped.
  • Opening Car Doors: “Dooring” accidents occur when a driver or passenger opens a car door into the path of an oncoming Onewheel rider, leading to a collision.
  • Aggressive Driving or Road Rage: Motorists who engage in aggressive driving, such as tailgating, honking, or cutting off Onewheel riders, can force them into dangerous situations.
  • Intoxicated Drivers: Drivers under the influence of alcohol or drugs are more likely to be negligent, increasing the likelihood of accidents involving Onewheel riders.
  • Poor Visibility Conditions: Drivers who fail to use headlights in low-visibility conditions, such as in fog, rain, or at nighttime, may not see Onewheel riders and cause accidents.
  • Negligent Pedestrians: Pedestrians who suddenly step into the path of a onewheel rider without looking or while distracted by their phones can cause crashes.
  • Reckless Bicyclists: Bicyclists who ride erratically or fail to follow traffic laws can also create hazards for Onewheel riders, leading to collisions.
  • Improperly Marked Construction Zones: Construction sites that are not marked or are wrongly managed can create obstacles or hazards that Onewheel riders might be unable to avoid in time.
  • Dog Owners Fail to Control Pets: Unleashed dogs or other pets that suddenly dart across roadways and paths can cause Onewheel riders to swerve or crash, leading to injuries.

At Wind Law, LLC We Also Representing The Following Legal Services:

Contact Our Dedicated Onewheel Accident Attorneys in Richmond Today

Schedule a Consultation With Us in Richmond, VA

If you or someone you love has been injured or lost their life in a Onewheel accident, contact our dedicated Onewheel accident and injury attorneys in Richmond, Virginia, to discuss your case during a free consultation. We want to hear your story to ensure your voice is heard and work diligently to ensure you are treated fairly and get the justice you deserve in your case.

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5400-D Glenside Dr. Richmond, VA 23228